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Cardiology & Primary Care located in Financial District, New York, NY


An echocardiogram is a quick, ultrasound based, noninvasive test that analyzes your heart’s health, structure and function. At Vivify Medical in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, board-certified cardiologist Amnon Beniaminovitz, MD, uses echocardiograms to diagnose heart problems and guide treatment. The procedure is painless and provides insights into your overall cardiovascular health. Call the New York City-based office today to schedule an in-office on-site echocardiogram or book your appointment online. 

Q&A: How it works

What is an echocardiogram?

An echocardiogram is an outpatient diagnostic procedure that uses ultrasound to provide real-time images of your heart, heart valves, and heart chambers. It helps assess your heart’s ability to pump blood and identify underlying cardiovascular problems. 

What heart problems can an echocardiogram diagnose?

At Vivify Medical, we use echocardiograms to diagnose various heart problems, including:

  • Congenital heart disease
  • Infective endocarditis (infection of the heart’s chambers or valves)
  • Pericardial disease (affects the protective sac that covers the heart)
  • Valvular disease
  • Heart muscle damage
  • Changes in heart size

Echocardiograms can also be used to check for heart changes that indicate blood clots or an aortic aneurysm, a balloon-like bulge in the aorta, the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood to your body.   

Is there more than one type of echocardiogram?

There are many types of echocardiograms, including: 

Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE)

A TTE, or transthoracic echocardiogram, is a noninvasive, painless test that uses ultrasound to create images of the heart and nearby blood vessels. It's the most common type of echocardiogram, or echo, and is often performed by a sonographer and interpreted by a cardiologist.   

Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)

A TEE is a transesophageal echocardiogram, which is a type of ultrasound that uses sound waves to create detailed images of the heart. A TEE is different from a traditional echocardiogram, which is performed by placing a transducer on the chest, because a TEE provides clearer images of the heart. A doctor guides a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope down the patient's throat and esophagus. TEE are not done in the office and are normally performed in the hospital in procedure rooms.  

Stress echocardiogram

A stress echo, or stress echocardiogram, is a test that uses ultrasound imaging to evaluate how well the heart functions while under stress. The test can help diagnose coronary heart disease, valvular heart defects, and other heart conditions.  

How long does an echocardiogram take?

At Vivify Medical, most echocardiograms take 30 to 45 minutes. Stress echocardiograms can take from 45 minutes to an hour. We are New Yorkers and understand that time is always a factor. At Vivify Medical we strive to be as efficient as we can and strive to offer the best quality in a timely manner.  

What if my echocardiogram uncovers a heart problem?

After imaging is complete, Dr. Beniaminovitz reviews and analyzes the images. If your heart appears healthy, you probably won’t need additional tests. However, you might need further screening or treatment if Dr. Beniaminovitz identifies potential areas of concern. 


Call Vivify Medical today to schedule an echocardiogram or book an appointment online.


Call Vivify Medical today
to establish cardiovascular and primary care or book an appointment online.